
Showing posts from 2022

A Fresh Breath of Hope Beacons as the Chosen One Amb. Meshack E.A. Ubabiri Bini Pere the 4th Dominates in the Traditional Turf.

The holy book succinctly states that when the righteous rule, the people rejoice. However, righteousness in this context doesn’t necessarily mean a fellow whose acts depict holier-than-thou, for it is a common belief that the robe doesn’t make the priest. But, it is safe to ascribe righteousness in this sense to mean an act of goodness and a righteous person to be someone with a good and a large heart clothed and intoxicated with the spirit of love. It is also an incontrovertible fact that someone with a large heart would make a better leader because leadership is more of service to the people than oneself. No doubt this is the reason why it is a dying wish of a people or society to have a leader who sees their problems as his, someone who is not just sympathetic but empathic, someone who will always strive to improve their pathetic condition. Put differently, a selfless and sacrificial leader is the prayer point and earnest desire of a people. Not a long while, the Traditional maratho

Comrade Super Layefa Kamboh AKA General Seven Seas, a Silent Achiever

The name Comrade Super Layefa Kamboh aka General Seven Seas is one that rings bell in the ears of all veterans in the Niger Delta Liberation Struggle. He is a protege of the Ibe-Ebidouwei1 of the Niger Delta, High Chief Government Oweizide Ekpemupolo aka General Tompolo G.O.C and has found favour in his sight. This he has achieved not as a gift but by dent of hardworking, commitment, and loyalty. Consequent upon the above it would be agreed no less that nothing can add to the axiom to make it more truth "trust is earned and not given". Trust is a currency one uses in transaction in the absence of real money. General Super Layefa Kamboh aka General Seven Seas is one of the most trusted allies and lieutenants of High Chief Government Oweizide Ekpemupolo aka General Tompolo G.O.C. Though, while it is the all knowing and sufficient God who can exclusively say that all that is committed to His care is in safe hands, General Seven Seas has proven that when it comes to security matt

HRM AMB. Meshack E.A. Ubabiri Welcomes High Chief Bibopre Ajube AKA Shoot At Sight at His Country Home

The country home Ajakuruma in Edo State of Nigeria of HRM Amb. Meshack E.A. Ubabiri, went agog as High Chief Bibopre Ajube and entourage were welcomed in a grand style and treated to royal banquet. The name High Chief Bibopre Ajube aka shoot at sight in the Niger Delta Emancipation Struggle reverberates as loud as making even the deaf to recognize his immeasurable contribution to the Niger Delta resources control struggle.   Though, while not conceding and or dismissing the age long belief that a king is but without honour in his domain, HRM Amb. Meshack E.A. Ubabiri is loved by his people as both from far and near have been visiting making his palace a sort of Mecca of recent. The caliber of the latest visitor to the ancient kingdom goes to show the acceptability of HRM Amb. Meshack E.A Ubabiri, not only by the people of Egbema kingdom but by the entire Izon race and Niger Deltans and further confirms the infallibility of the Almighty God in choosing credible and competent leaders for

Niger Delta Crusaders Visits The Agadagba of Egbema Kingdom HRM Bini Pere The IV AMB. Meshack E.A.Ubabiri in a Grand Style

In what can be described as a royal visit, the Niger Delta Crusaders under the able leadership of comrade Engr. Nesta Dimbainimibofa Umukoro, paid a courtesy call in solidarity and pledge of unflinching loyalty to the ancient throne of the Egbema people on 7th Dec; 2022, at the Monarch's country home... Like the African adage; a child who washes his hands clean will dine with elders, the Niger Delta Crusaders have not only washed their hands clean but have also sanitize them hence, their unfettered access to the newest monarch in Nigeria HRM Amb. Meshack E.A. Ubabiri, whose humility and love for his people is overwhelming. The Niger Delta Crusaders is a leading human rights organization and vanguard of justice in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria whose path is shone with the gospel of peace, unity, and progress. The lofty dreams of egalitarian society in Nigeria is only possible with selfless and empathetic leaders. Needless to say that HRM Amb. Meshack E.A. Ubabiri, is a man of de

The Rebirth of Niger Delta Peace Advocate Comrade Engr. Dimbainimibofa Nesta Umukoro

It is believed that the end of a man is greater than his beginning thereof. This philosophy is true because as man grows and fits into society, with his constant and progressive interaction and creation of chains of relationships, he ends up expanding his horizon and when his end comes, he leaves a legacy that resonates even from the grave. However, no matter how interesting this journey from grass to grace could be, there can be no end without a humble beginning. Therefore, the birth of a man should be given its right of place because it sets the stage and begins the journey to greatness of man. Today is a special day in the world's calendar and will remain remarkable not because the heavens were created on this day but simply because a special being was ushered into this eventful world some decades ago. Born into the family of Pa Umukoro Itemisa, comrade Nesta, is a destiny child as family members, community folks, and well wishers congregated to give him a rousing welcome into t

A New Dawn Beacons As Amb. Ubabiri Eseyortiegha Meshach Emerges Agadagba of Egbema Kingdom of Delta/Edo States of Nigeria.

Who the cap fits let him wear it, and who God has blessed no man can curse. Cursory look at the events that led to the emergence of the Agadagba only reminds one of the saying that great men are made, while great kings are born. It also conforms to the age long belief that power only comes from God, and that He gives to whomever He wishes and not necessarily to the most lettered, wealthy, physically endowed, and or spiritually fortified. From the foregoing, it is believed that Amb. Ubabiri E. Meshach, is God's choice as he's wholeheartedly accepted by the people of Egbema kingdom. Born into the family of Elder Pa Ubabiri in Ogbudugbudu community of Egbema Clan in Delta State. Amb. Ubabiri E. Meshach, no doubt is a destiny child as family members and community folks defied the rains and shine to congregate at pa Ubabiri's compound to give him a rousing welcome into this eventful world of twists and turns some few decades ago. Beginning his march to greatness and search for k

Pipeline Survillance Contract to General Tompolo, G.O.C a Blessing in Disguise to Niger Delta

Just as the waves roll and hasten to shore, that is exactly how prosperity is racing to Niger Deltans. The recent pipeline surveillance contract that was awarded to one of Niger Delta foremost Resources Control and Self Determination Crusaders, Government Oweizide Ekpemupolo, aka General Tompolo G.O.C that elicited commendations from all quarters is already yielding the desired fruits as crude oil production has drastically increased and the dividends felt by the people as a result of the huge employment opportunity provided for the army of unemployed youths of the region. No doubt, it was never a mistake but a well conceived idea by the federal government of Nigeria under the leadership of president Muhammadu Buhahi, (GCFR) to at this critical time of our nation's history wrest this huge responsibility of securing the vast expanse of pipeline in the Niger Delta on the shoulders of the Ibe-Ebidouwei1 of the Niger Delta whose security expertise is second to none in the region and Ni

The Winding Down of the Presidential Amnesty Programme (PAP), A Precipice for Crises in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria

Ordinarily, one would have dismissed the directive to windup the presidential amnesty programme with the wave of the hand, but for the grave consequences, we are constrained to react. As a watchdog of the society, we owe Niger Deltans a voice, even if it is in the wilderness, we will keep shouting. We see the call for the winding down of this interventionist security programme from President Muhammadu Buhari, the number one citizen of the country who naturally should be a bastion of the society as an affront on the people of the Niger Delta and a calculative and deliberate effort to invoke and or resurrect the devil of violence and restiveness from the grave in the region. This call at a time the region is plagued with this flood of unimaginable catastrophe is not only vexatious and unwarranted, it is a booby trap for the next administration considering the fact that it has barely 7 months to the expiration of its inglorious tenure. Rather than swift response in providing relief materi

Leader of the Niger Delta Crusaders, Engr. Dimbainimibofa N. Umukoro Congratulates His Mentor General Tompolo on the Pipeline Surveillance Contract

It is cheering and heartwarming news that the Federal Government of Nigeria under the leadership of President Muhammadu Buhari,  thought it wise and expedient to award such a strategic security job to a worthy son of the Niger Delta Region in no lesser personality than High Chief Government Oweizide Ekpemupolo, aka General Tompolo GOC. No doubt, this noble gesture from the Nigerian government will to a large extent placate the heightening agitation and bring peace and development to the Niger Delta Region. Like the saying, he who the cap fits, let him wear it. In this era of the Niger Delta struggle, there can be no better shoulder than General Tompolo's to rest this huge responsibility of securing the nation's critical infrastructure considering his vast experience in security matters coupled with his ethnic and regional network. Who says commitment and patriotism doesn't pay, we shall point you to the Ibe- Ebidouwei 1 of the Niger Delta. The Oporoza born Niger Delta Liber

The Exit of a Titan @ 100 Years; HRH Richard Umukoro Itemisan, his Life and Times

Death as it is known is an inevitable end of all mortals and a debt all men must pay. This assertion needs no further evidence to be true because even the Biblical Methuselah once succumbed to it. However, what is most important in one's life journey on the planet earth is not necessarily its longevity, but the quality with which it is spent. No doubt, death has dealt a heavy blow and left a devastating toll on the Umukoros, Eroune community, and the entire Okpe Clan in Delta State. Born a century ago into the family of Itemisan, in the Eroune community in Okpe Clan of Delta State, HRH Richard Umukoro Itemisan, began his elementary educational journey at the then community missionary school where he obtained the mandatory certification. However, not satisfied with the level of education coupled with his desire for a more healthy society, he delved into classical traditional medicine at his youthful age and became a master in the field. HRH Richard Umukoro Itemisan, was extraordinar

Human trafficking in Nigeria has increased, according to NAPTIP

Nigeria's National Agency for the Prohibition of Trafficking in Persons (NAPTIP) said internal trafficking is on the rise. There was a much higher rate of internal trafficking than external trafficking, according to the agency. A meeting with stakeholders and partners in Edo was held by the Director-General, Fatima Waziri-Azi on Thursday in Benin. According to the DG, 83 percent of trafficking occurs within states and communities, while 12 percent occurs across borders. "Due to the media spotlight on people in Italy, we think we have more trans-border trafficking.". I don't. In front of our eyes, internal trafficking is taking place. She told NAN that domestic servitude and forced labor are crises in Nigeria. The official declared human trafficking a national crisis that affects every state. Waziri-Azi added that it is now done online via fake jobs advertorials and fake scholarships. She said traffickers lure their victims with offers, with Dubai, India, and Cyprus as

Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu Unveils Agenda – To Decentralise Police, Create Jobs, Ensure 12% GDP Growth !!!!

TINUBU'S  ROADMAP TO NIGERIAN  GREATNESS a) 25% annual budget for education  b) 10% annual budget for health c) Decentralisation of police  d) Introduction of commodity exchange  e) Total deregulation of the oil market and building of national storage to sustain supply f) Stimulation of production and manufacturing for export  g) Target of 15,000MW generation and distribution of electricity Frontline Presidential aspirant and National Leader of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Bola Tinubu, has shared his manifesto for the transformation of Nigeria if elected president of the country. The APC presidential aspirant, according to a press statement signed by Bayo Onanuga, Director of Media and Communication, said his team will lead Nigeria to a new era of economic prosperity, peace, security, and political stability.  Tinubu, the Governor of Lagos State between 1999-2007, presented his vision within five thematic areas. He promised to improve security by decentralizing the policing


  VP Slot: Atiku Needs Okowa's Political Craftsmanship And Competence To Excel As President. By Fred Latimore Oghenesivbe Esq #eacgovdelta There is no gainsaying the fact that the Presidential Candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, Alhaji Atiku Abubakar, desires a trustworthy, incorruptible, competent, wise, good listener, problem solver, intelligent and experienced politician to be by his side as Vice President, to solve the multifaceted socioeconomic problems and infrastructure deficit flowing from the abysmal performance of President Mohammadu Buhari's administration in the past seven years and still counting. This is fundamental and in considering his running mate, Alhaji Abubakar, must of a necessity permanently look at the direction of the platinum governor of Delta State, Senator Dr. Ifeanyi Arthur Okowa, for so many reasons. The above qualities are inherent in Okowa, a seasoned technocratic, competent administrator, and detribalised Democrat. Okowa is a prudent


DTHA Staff /Friends For Sheriff 2023 Rejoices with Delta State First Lady, Dame Edith Okowa @ 61 The fame support group under the banner of  DTHA Staff /Friends For Sheriff 2023 has joined other well-wishers to rejoice with the Delta First Lady, Her Excellency, Dame Edith Okowa as she marks her 61st birthday commemoration today, June 1. The famed group in a statement jointly signed by the duo of the state Coordinator, Barr. Austin Uwasike and Scribe, Olorogun Egalase Afure noted that the virtuous wife of the Delta Governor has impacted positively on the lives of the downtrodden through her Pet Project the O5 Initiative while wishing her many happy returns in selfless services to mankind. " On behalf of the leadership and teeming members of DTHA Staff /Friends For Sheriff 2023, we join the Delta Speaker and PDP gubernatorial flag bearer to facilitate with Mummy Delta and Founder 05 Initiative, Her Excellency, Dame Edith Okowa as she celebrates her 61st natal anniversary. Our great


Natal Anniversary: Ika South Council Deputy Chairperson, Hon. Agboma Salutes Delta State First Lady, Dame Edith Okowa. The deputy chairperson, Ika South Council, Hon. , Mrs. Patience N. Agboma (Pride of Mary ) has felicitated with the Delta First Lady, Her Excellency, Dame Edith Okowa on the auspicious occasion of her 61st natal anniversary while wishing her good health, long life, divine protection, and many returns. The council deputy helmsman who sent her goodwill message during an interactive session with newsmen described the Delta First lady as the Mother Theresa of our time while applauding Her Excellency's Pet Project the 05 Initiative which she said has changed the narratives in Heath care delivery to the vulnerable and less privileged across the 25 LGA. "On behalf of my family, political associates, and myself, I join the hosts of heaven and over admirers to wish our adorable Delta  First lady, Her Excellency, Dame Edith Okowa a resounding 61st birthday anniversary.


On Tuesday, May 31, 2022, the Technical Head, World Bank D-Cares Livelihood Support Unit (LSU), Elder,  Dr. Isioma Okonta received in audience the State Cares Coordinating unit, Lady Patience Ogbeweh with her team in his office, in Asaba, Delta State. Lady Ogbeweh stated that the visit was to ascertain the level of work done so far by D - The care livelihood support unit headed by Dr. Isioma Okonta and also to get acquainted with the LSU team to create a seamless working relationship as one big family under the D - Cares. Speaking further, she congratulated  His Excellency, Governor Ifeanyi Okowa on his 7th anniversary  as the  executive governor of Delta State while describing  him as a living legend with impeccable leadership qualities who has done well for the State,  She also thumbed up to the Technical Head, Dr. Isioma Okonta for the new accommodation provided by the Delta governor for efficiency and productivity. Lady Ogbeweh assured that her office will continue to synergize wit


Chief Press Secretary to Governor Ifeanyi Okowa of Delta, Mr. Olisa Ifeajika, has said that the governor has all it takes to be president of Nigeria. Ifeajika stated this while reacting to remarks on Okowa by analysts in an AriseTv programme on Monday, on the strengths and weaknesses of some members of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) being tipped as Vice Presidential candidate to the party’s presidential candidate who emerged on Saturday night, Alhaji Atiku Abubakar. Addressing journalists at Government House Asaba, the governor’s spokesman said the comments against his boss were derogatory and smacked of crass ignorance of politics by those who made the analysis. He said that Okowa possessed the requisite experience to be president but refused to yield to pressure to contest due to personal reasons. "In the last two days, the media have been awash with reports about the PDP primaries and the outcome and the things that will follow. "I don't know when onlookers have be


...Says He is an amazing Governor with Excellent performance... Scripturally, the almighty God rewards hard and causes an increase when people return praise to him. The Director General of Delta Initiative Forum DIFO who is also a Senior Special Assistant on Project Monitoring and Audit to the Delta State Governor Comr. Engr. Emmanuel Chuks Mormah has joined other well meaning Deltans to thank God for the workaholic Governor who has performed credibly well in infrastructural development, entrepreneurial empowerment, road Construction, and Peace building cutting across the length and breadth of Delta State. Addressing newsmen immediately after the 7th Anniversary Thanksgiving and praise day at the event center in Asaba Said... His Excellency, Sen. Dr. Arthur Ifeanyi Okowa is an amazing Governor with an Excellent performing spirit in his DNA. No doubt, go round Delta State you will attest to the fact that this Praise Day is a pointer to give God Thanks. Biblically, the Number 7 is a mark

Late Osinachi Nwachukwu's husband, Pastor Peter Nwachukwu, has been sentenced to death by hang!ng

 A Capital LESSON....... Late Osinachi Nwachukwu's husband, Pastor Peter Nwachukwu, has been sentenced to death by hang!ng as charged by the Attorney-General of the Federation. The Federal Government has filed 23-count charges against Peter Nwachukwu, husband of late popular gospel artist, Mrs. Osinachi, who died on April 8 after he allegedly assaulted (Beat) her. He was charged under sections 104 and 379 of the Administration of Criminal Justice Act, 2015, by the Attorney-General of the Federation. The defendant was charged with culpable homicide contrary to section 221 of the Penal Code which is punishable with death by hanging.

Birthday Felicitation Message to Hon Igweh O. Emmanuel Immaculate

We join the universe to celebrate and felicitate with Hon Igweh O. Emmanuel mmaculate a glorious birth commemoration as he mark the anniversary of his birth date. Indeed sir, you have lived exceptionally, setting pace for others to build on and a path for other emulate.  On behalf of Delta initiative Forum DIFO in Ika Chapter, we join the host of heaven to congratulate a very dependable friend and brother, while praying to God to grant you success in all you. We pray that heaven grant listening ears to all your prayers,and  grant you early satisfaction in whatsoever you lay your hands on... Happy Birthday sir... Delta initiative Forum DIFO in Ika Chapter, celebrates you... Signed : Engineer Emmanuel Mormah Chuks DG DIFO


As part of our commitments to the affair of the association and the good people of Ika kingdom. The Office of the Vice President 1 & 2 held by Comrade Hope Ighodaro, and Comrade Francis Ekpenisi, Visited selected schools in Both Ika south and North to sensitive the pupils on the essence of appreciating education and its societal impact, employing creativity and innovation to achieve a better educational set goal, prioritizing the educational core value And to distribute writing materials to students. The exercise which began in the early hour of the yesterday also featured the payment of school expenses for 6 Primary school pupils, who were unable to meet up with the fee payment. On arrival at the selected schools (Dein Primary School and Ngala Primary South in Ika South and North respectively), The vice president council were highly welcomed by the head of administration and staff, after which the purpose of our visit was unravelled to them, and various educational issues and chal